domingo, dezembro 03, 2006

Pescadinha de rabo na boca

Tudo começou com uma citação do escritor Michael Chabon que me incitou a ler a discussão; link após link, após link. E de repente o tema já não tinha nada a ver. Quando dei por mim estava com cerca de 7 páginas abertas - felizmente o Mozilla firefoz tem separadores - e já nem sabia sobre o que era a citação do Chabon.

No meio disso tudo diverti-me com dois sites, o do Metrodad cujas descrições da vida parental devem ser lidas com atenção:


To be filed under the category "Words That I Thought Would Never Come Out of My Mouth." The crayons are bath crayons and it seems that almost every time the Peanut is in the tub, she's trying to stick one of them into her vagina. All kids are this curious, right?


1. I touched the poles on the subway with my bare hands. No Purell or anything! 2. I dropped my toothbrush on the floor but used it anyway. 3. I wore a brown belt with black shoes. 4. I took my daughter out for a 3-hour walk and didn't bring a single diaper. 5. When I parked my car, I took my seat belt off.


Look, Sally's only two but she can say the alphabet! Peter's four and can play Mozart on the violin! Did you hear about Ethan? He can count to ten in three languages! What does your kid do?

Right now, she's busy doing much more important things that she truly enjoys, such as...

  • Screaming like a banshee just for the fun of it.
  • Walking around with her hands down the back of her diaper.
  • Wiping boogers on my leg.
  • Spinning around in circles until she passes out laughing.
  • Sitting outside our apartment building and high-fiving everyone who walks by.
  • Talking to flowers.
  • Throwing all her toys in the toilet just to see what will happen.
  • Laughing at her own farts.

Oh yeah...and her all-time favorite thing to do these days?

Play with garbage."

Logo a seguir há uma entrevista com o Elmo da Rua Sésamo. :D

O outro site é do 52 projects. Que contém uma excelente lista do que NÃO fazer. É perfeita para as pessoas que adiam constantemente. Se eu tivesse visto esta lista nos tempos da faculdade...

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